Amie Pederson | Celebrity Host of 'Moms Making Money' and Business Mentor

Amie Pederson is the proud mom of two beautiful children, a successful business mentor and the founder and host of the incredibly popular podcast ‘Mom’s making Money’. Read how she became such a successful entrepreneur while helping thousands of women find their stride, voice and the confidence to put their own valuable message into the world and make an impact!

Amie Pederson - Business Mentor and Podcast Host

Amie Pederson - Business Mentor and Podcast Host


Name: Amie Pederson

Country: USA 

Industry: Business Mentoring, Podcast Host

Favorite Quote to live by:

“I did it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn’t” - Unknown Author

1.  Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do? (what is your backstory/your business)

I always knew from a young age I wanted to be successful in my career.  I also always knew that I never wanted to be a "kept woman".  I had a really great career and was determined to go back after having my first son, and I did.  What I was not prepared for was the Mom Guilt I instantly felt, the guilt of leaving him every day for 8-12 hours. I am fortunate beyond measure that he was in the best possible care with an amazing woman who is now like a family member.  Even with that, with knowing he was getting the best attention and love he could get that never changed how I felt. 

When my husband and I made the decision to have another child it made sense to have me leave my corporate job.  I did have some income from my now 10-year-old electrical construction company that I co-owned and I had done some part-time health coaching with my Nutrition Certification.  I figured "what the hell, Ill become a full-time health coach".  I love all things food science (in a holistic sense not lab or GMO) so it seemed perfect at the time.

After having my second son, just a week after saying goodbye to some of my favorite people and a place I basically called home (my career) for 13 years I realized that I actually just wanted to take the year off, and outside of my electrical company I took all of 2017 off from business pursuits. During this time I struggled with postpartum anxiety (diagnosed) and some other health stuff.  I was taking this year to give myself the grace I knew I needed.  During this time I had zero interest in fitness and no longer had the spark or desire to work in this health and fitness space.  I felt like I was having a total identity crisis.  

I began working with a mentor towards the end of 2017 and I was telling her that people I knew were still coming to me for business startup advice, since starting and growing companies was what my career was, not to mention I have a degree in business. My mentor at the time helped me realize, DUH! Business is my thing! During our conversation, I remember shaking my head at the fact that I couldn't believe this hadn't hit me before since now it was hitting me like a ton of bricks.

That fall I started the revamp of my website, branding, and logos and by the end of January, I hit the ground running.   I opened my free community on Facebook, shifted the content of my blog and started the Moms Making Money Show (mid-February).  The show was booked up for over three months of interviews within days. My community was growing, and I had signed my first private client.

 A year later I have really hit my stride with my clients, my purpose and movement message to the world and how I want to deliver this massive message.  I have shifted the Moms Making Money Show from a Facebook interview to a bad-ass podcast, I am hosting LIVE in-person events, sharing my movement message as a guest on other podcasts and summits as well as in-person training and speaking.  Helping women find their stride and voice and the confidence to put their own valuable messages into the world so they too can make the impact they know they are meant to make and start a ripple effect of amazing things one woman at a time is what I am meant to do. 

To help these women start a business with every tool I have in my toolbox so they can take the first steps and every step thereafter, GUILT FREE is one of the messages of my movement.  No woman should ever be told or shamed for not wanting to CHOOSE between business and babies.  The Mom Shaming over this needs to stop and I am here to shout it loud and proud - they say it takes a village and growing a tribe of amazing women who uplift and support each other, while teaching them HOW to grow an income producing business is my message and my purpose while being able to be a fully present parent.

2.  What are three business & life lessons you have learned throughout your journey?

  • I have learned to work from my MUST DO list as opposed to my TO DO list (which is often never ending).  This method helps me to drastically reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed so I can truly focus on my MUST DO tasks.  This has become particularly important while balancing Mom life and Business life.

  • I have learned that it is 100% Safe to be 100% ME! That it is better to show up with the bold truth as opposed to a watered down message that is always playing it safe, and that it’s OK to have someone ‘unfollow’ you if they don’t resonate with your true souls message.  In fact, they are making room by leaving for someone else to come in who needs to hear the message.

  • Lastly, I have learned that I am in control of my business and my life.  I have come to the point that my movement and my message are so unshakable that there isn’t really anything anyone could say to have me doubt my business and message at this point.  Finding this really allowed me to mean it when I say that, “I don’t care what other people think”, instead of just saying it. I think being able to be fully on board with following my dreams and goals in a way that feels good and is authentic really sets the bar higher for my children when they are dreaming and looking ahead.

3.  What advice can you give other entrepreneurs that is struggling to breakthrough the glass sealing in reaching their goals?

Learn how to be in charge of  your self talk and keep flexing your belief muscle.  You have to always work on these two aspects, because new self doubts and fears creep up as you grow.  Knowing how to speak kindly, yet firmly to yourself to keep going forward is so important. It is said we are our own worst critics, but we don’t have to be - instead we can be our own best cheerleaders.  Also you have to fully believe in yourself, your skills, your experience and your movement in order for anyone else to truly believe it. As you expand and evolve not only in business but as a human you will have to keep working your belief muscle.

 I often compare this to 6 pack abs. Once you have a set of 6 pack abs you have to keep working them in order to maintain them, and keep up on your nutrition. The same is true for belief. In order to maintain belief you must keep doing the work (strategic action) and proper mindset (nutrition).

4.  What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

In full transparency, I love the connection with other women.  I often have my clients referring to me as their Coach Momma Bear because I am very protective over them and they know that without a shadow of a doubt that I truly care about them and seeing them grow.  I look forward to the calls, trainings and best of all the in-person retreats and trainings. There is something truly magical about a real connection with another amazing soul, and I am so fortunate that I have many amazing souls that I am forever connected with.  Inspiring women to be brave and bold and true to their souls desires is something I would do even if I won the $50 million lottery. This is something that I can’t NOT DO.

5.  How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What makes you unique?

Well, I think since we are all humans we have natural differences just based upon that alone.  However, I do come from a strong business background having helped start, run and manage many business as my career.  I often teach my clients about the UNSEXY things like the importance of taxes and investing into their retirement. I also focus on growing and leading with confidence, that creates an unmistakable energy and the “I’ll have what shes having” effect.  I feel like pairing up my education and experience in Business with Confidence Coaching helps my clients lead and start from a very solid place in their business.

6.  What do you think is the biggest trend we will see in 2019 within the entrepreneur space

One thing I am so happy to see is that that we are pioneers for women who want to do more and be more.  I am so excited to see that women are rising in the entrepreneurial space and taking control of their own income, freedom and destiny.  I feel like this is a new wave of business and opportunity and I don’t really see leveraging the online space going away any time soon. I can see a trend of women taking the internet by storm and growing unique and amazing businesses and lives for themselves.

Amie Pederson - Host of the popular ‘Mom’s making money’ Podcast

Amie Pederson - Host of the popular ‘Mom’s making money’ Podcast


