Lauren Taylar

Lessons this website designer learned from 3 years in business

Lauren Taylar

Lauren Taylar


Name & Surname: Lauren Taylar

Strengths: customer service, personal relationships with clients, ability to break down advanced concepts into easily understandable ideas

Country: United States

Industry: Website Design and Digital Marketing
Favorite quote: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" - Steve Jobs

Please give us a bit of background on yourself
I’m a brand designer, website designer and SEO strategist. After spending two years at an SEO agency working with global brands and high profile individuals, I stepped away to pursue a more creative career as an entrepreneur. I combine my technical background with my passion for design to help coaches and service providers stand out online, feel confident in their online presence and attract more clients. I’ve been full time in business since June 2018 and currently reside in St. Petersburg, FL.

What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?
As someone who left a 9-5 making just over $3,000 a month, it was a major accomplishment when I had my first 5 figure sales month. It really enhanced my confidence about my abilities to run a successful business during a time that many doubts were surfacing. I’m also proud that I’ve been invited to speak inside high level group coaching programs for multi 6 and 7 figure coaches as a guest expert on website design and SEO.

What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?
Integrity. I only want what’s best for the business owners that come into my community and never take on a client that I don’t think I can help. If they're too new to business and don’t have a clear understanding of who their ideal client is and the problems they solve, then I refer them to others who will help fill the gap. I invite them to circle back with me once they’ve gained this clarity in their business. Being of true service to my clients so that they can see a return on their investment is important to me.

Respect. For me, this translates to showing up to calls on time and abiding by the terms lined out in a contract. Communication and clear expectations are a large piece of this, and I do my best to make sure clients understand what is expected of them. In my line of work, completing tasks by certain deadlines is essential to make sure that the project is completed on time and doesn’t overlap with another project.

Giving back. I’ve always enjoyed volunteering my time, but found it difficult to do so when growing my business during its initial stages. However, I knew it would still be impactful to contribute financially. Currently, I donate monthly to five non-profit organizations. They’re a mix of charities focused on supporting families of children with life threatening illnesses and providing education and mental health resources for Black women and young girls.

What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
I think the hardest part is staying focused. There’s a lot of shiny object syndrome when it comes to marketing. You could launch a Facebook group, build your Instagram following, start a YouTube channel, write weekly posts for your blog, record some podcast episodes, and create a course while trying to sell your private coaching package only to realize that nothing seems to be working. There’s a lot of distractions and advice on what you “need” to be doing to grow a successful business. But the truth is that you need to focus on a couple key areas that align to you and make sense for your business. You can work your way up to marketing yourself on a few different platforms, but it’s important to be mindful about where your time and energy is going in the beginning stages if you want to see results. There are no overnight success stories and you should think about your business like a marathon, not a sprint.

How do you stand out in this digital world?
I differentiate myself from other website designers with my professional background in SEO. It’s rare to see website designers also offer an SEO package, let alone designers who have worked in the industry like I have. I have clients that sign on with me specifically because I specialize in both these areas. I didn’t realize how valuable this skillset was until I became immersed in the design space and saw the gap.

What was one of the biggest mistakes that you have made throughout your journey and what lesson did you learn from it?
The biggest mistake was hiring a college intern as a way to save money when I was still in the beginning stages of business. I was desperate for help and after posting about the position on a couple college internships sites, I only got one application. I hired her right away after a Skype interview, but I realized soon after that this wasn’t the best decision. There were many mistakes that she made and I took a lot of time to explain projects in multiple ways so she would understand. Although I had completed multiple unpaid internships in college and wanted to give experience to a college student, I realized I needed to let her go.

I learned that with my next hire (and any hire afterwards) that it would be better to 1) have a pool of candidates to interview and 2) to hire someone who already had knowledge of the types of programs and tools I use for my business. The two virtual assistants I’ve brought onto my team since then have been amazing fits!

What is your key to success?
Grit and determination. Building a business is not a clear path to the top. It’s a rollercoaster with many ups and downs. You have to be willing to pull yourself up and start seeing your “failures” as lessons to learn and grow. Entrepreneurs (specifically coaches, consultants, and service providers) who make multiple six figures or a million dollars in their first year of business are extremely rare, and it’s easy to compare your lack of progress to their incredible growth. It’s important to focus on yourself and stay in your lane. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will.

I also believe that setting your ego aside and getting support is essential. Whether it’s a business coach or a couple team members, successful businesses aren’t meant to be built solo. Investing in support will help you move your business forward faster.

What does success mean to you?
Although I enjoy making more money than my 9-5, the feeling of success goes beyond just hitting financial goals. To me, it’s about feeling aligned and fulfilled in my work, fueling myself with deep connections from others around me, and taking time to fill my own cup every day. It's about waking up every morning happy and feeling excited to jump out of bed.

Lauren Taylar

Lauren Taylar


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