Hannah Koenig - Helping women create impact in their business & life

Hannah Koenig - Helping women create impact in their business & life

Hannah Koenig - Helping women create impact in their business & life

Hannah Koenig - Helping women create impact in their business & life


Name & Surname: Hannah Koenig

Country: USA

Industry: Coaching

Business Name: Hannah Koenig International 

Website: hannah-koenig.com

Contact Details: hannah@hannah-koenig.com

Favorite Quote:  “Position doesn’t define power. Impact defines power. What impact are you making on people? What impact are you making on business?” -Mindy Grossman

1. Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do?

I grew up on the shores of Lake Superior. The vastness of that body of water is awe-inspiring. I know it had something to do with the tremendous sense of destiny I felt, even as a child. My father was a disabled veteran and we were dirt poor growing up. He was diagnosed with hepatitis C when I was seven. As his physical health deteriorated so did his mental health and along with it, my parents marriage. There was a lot of love and a lot of struggle. My late teens and early twenties were a mess, I hit rock bottom more times than I’d prefer to admit. I knew I needed change.

I threw myself into everything at once . . . veganism, yoga, spirituality, and every self-help guru I could find. Healing myself became my life and inspired me to help others do the same. I began working in the wellness industry. I taught yoga and meditation, travelled, lived in Ashrams, and ran women’s leadership trainings in Bali. This work was my identity. Yet deep down I knew I wasn’t making enough of an impact, I had so much more to give. I started my business in January of 2018. I learned many lessons the hard way those first few months, but I was on fire with belief in my vision. Now I empower women to create the impact and autonomy they crave from life through mentorship and digital resources. I’m able to reach more people in a week than I would have in a year and it only gets bigger from here.

2. What advice can you give other entrepreneurs that is struggling to breakthrough the glass ceiling in reaching their goals?

I’ve certainly been there and I see this happen too often; it can be so difficult when you’re first starting out. The struggle to stay motivated, the constant self-doubt, landing those first paid clients; not to mention how lonely it can be. This is primarily a support issue. In the early stages of starting a business it’s important to be intentional and focused on the mission. Like a plant that’s outgrown its pot, you need a container that will hold you to what you’re capable of while giving you the space to expand: a place to connect, gain perspective, and amplify your momentum. It’s an easy thing to overlook when you’re overwhelmed by the reality of everything you’ve set out to accomplish. The most successful women I know, myself included, deliberately seek-out support in building their vision.

3. What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

I’m obsessed with what I call “Impact Factor.” Think of it as the ripple effect of your positive influence. It’s something we may never fully realize. I get glimpses of it through DMs thanking me, an email with a personal story of how my work changed someone’s life or a client celebrating their wins. That’s the most humbling, motivating feeling ever. The impact of the people I’ve helped is mind-blowing. It’s so much bigger than me. The women I serve, from my clients to my community. . . they have my heart, I’m totally theirs. I can’t imagine dedicating my life to anything more beautiful than this.

4. How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What makes you unique?

Comparing myself to my colleagues doesn’t light me up. I have so much respect for other coaches. We each have our own magic. If you’re struggling to differentiate yourself I encourage you to focus back on the things that spark your brilliance. For me, that’s developing strategies, reinventing systems, creating resources that give my community the tools to deliver their offerings to the people who need them most. For example, I designed a framework for my clients and courses that’s so different from what most programs offer. I took the traditional Western education model and reverse engineered it, because it doesn’t really work. Not that it can’t work, but it fails a lot of entrepreneurs and I’m not available for that. I see no reason to ask my people to prove what they’ve learned by completing a worksheet when they could be learning through taking action in their business. Traction and clarity come from engagement. 

Simply put, don’t waste your energy worrying about how you do or don’t measure up to someone else. Why play the game when you can create it?

Hannah Koenig Woman Entrepreneur


Website: hannah-koenig.com

Contact Details: hannah@hannah-koenig.com