Samentha Jabini | Changing Lives with The Power of God's Word

We interviewed the graceful Samentha Jabini whose life mission is to help entrepreneurs succeed in their businesses while keeping God at the center of their lives. Read how she believes that everyone has a story and how their story can impact thousands of other peoples lives.

Samentha Jabini - Woman of God

Samentha Jabini - Woman of God


Name: Samentha Jabini

Country: Netherlands

Business Name: WWJD

Favorite Quote to live by:

Be Blessed!

1.  Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do? (what is your backstory/your business)

I am a life coach who specializes in biblical teachings. As a result I work with a lot of Christian Entrepreneurs. There are a lot of life lessons in the bible. Through my coaching sessions I'm hoping to make the path clear for Christians to be successful business people while keeping God in the center of their lives

2.  What are three business & life lessons you have learned throughout your journey?

That every lesson you can learn, you can learn from the bible. If you are reading the good book through eyes of wisdom and a deeper understanding every situation becomes clear. Also that every difficult thing that you have to do, will be the time that you are growing in your faith and delivering your best. Just follow your Gut!

3.  What advice can you give other entrepreneurs that are struggling to break through the glass ceiling in reaching their goals?

Start today! Don’t wait for tomorrow, even if you don’t have the resources. Start with what you can afford and begin to build your empire through eyes of faith because NOBODY is gonna do that for you!

4.  What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

My inspiration is my belief in God and in myself. Also the passion to help those who are stuck in their lives by sharing my own story. I believe that if someone is going through difficult moments in their lives, it is happening for a reason. There is someone out there in the world who needs their story to get them through tough times. You can be a life savior with only your story! How awesome is our God?

Join the WWJD Family and you will discover what you have burning inside of you that the world needs to hear. A passion and life lessons that you can provide to help others be a success!

Samentha Jabini - What Would Jesus Do?

Samentha Jabini - What Would Jesus Do?


