Neha Hobson | Beauty Blogger, Content Creator and Instagram Coach

We interviewed the lovely Neha Hobson. Read how this successful woman entrepreneur is bringing balance to the beauty industry while helping to empower, educate and inspire thousands of women through her website, ‘Beauty by Neha’, which offers content on all the various areas of holistic beauty like skin, makeup, mindset, health and fitness

Neha Hobson - Owner of Beauty By Neha

Neha Hobson - Owner of Beauty By Neha


Name: Neha Hobson

Country: Australia

Industry: Beauty

Business Name: Beauty By Neha

Favorite Quote to live by:

Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart. -Kahlil Gibran

1. Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do? (what is your backstory/your business)

I’m a professional beauty blogger, content creator, and Instagram coach for beauty businesses. With over 12+ years in beauty, plus extensive study and work experience in helping beauty businesses with their online presence. I coach my clients in a very relevant and personal way to get results. I also write beauty articles and professional product reviews for beauty brands, and regularly do collaborations via my 100K+ Instagram account. Further info can be found on 

2. What are three business & life lessons you have learned throughout your journey?

  • Persist with your dreams and your mission, even when you don’t get validation or support from others, or see instant results.

  • Work ethically and in alignment with your values, and success will be inevitable.

  • Be generous and choose collaboration over competition, which is the best way to grow.

3. What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

The need to have a positive impact. I created Beauty By Neha (particularly the blog side) to empower, educate and inspire women, and bring balance to the beauty industry. I always say it takes 5 minutes to put on makeup and change how you look, and be aesthetically beautiful. But inner beauty takes years, it cannot be rushed or bought or faked. So inner beauty is something we must cultivate - beautifying our mind, body, heart and spirit so that our beauty is real and has substance. My blog offers content on all the various areas of holistic beauty like skin, makeup, mindset, health, fitness, and interviews with the best in the industry so that my readers can gain valuable tips. They can sign up on 

4. How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What makes you unique?

In terms of collabs and product reviews, I only work with brands where there is true alignment. I’m very picky about what I promote, and I know that other influencers in the instagram space don’t always do this. I will always choose impact and generosity over monetary gain. In terms of my coaching, what separates me is my unique background which is so multifaceted, making my coaching more effective and tailored. I’ve got the corporate background, mixed with my communications and media degree, beauty/makeup industry experience, plus being able to guide my clients from the consumer and influencer point of view also, so that they can gain exposure, credibility and traction very quickly, and get real (online and offline) results, which they do.

5. Anything you’d like to add?

Yes, I’m always looking for guest writing opportunities, and for others who are suitable in terms of contributing to my beauty blog (beauty business owners, beauty professionals, entrepreneurs, makeup artists, etc) so if you fall into this niche, please become a VIP on and let’s work together!

Neha Hobson - Woman Entrepreneur - Erna basson



