Sabrina Franco | L.A. Property Partners | Living Without Limits

We interviewed Sabrina Franco; successful woman entrepreneur, supportive wife and devoted mom. I was immediately struck by her work ethic, passion and single mindedness. Read how Sabrina discovered the ‘Why’ in her life and how she is inspiring others to TAKE ACTION and to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.

Sabrina Franco - L.A. Property Partners

Sabrina Franco - L.A. Property Partners


Name: Sabrina Franco

Country: USA

Industry: Real Estate Investor

Business Name: LA Property Partners

Favorite Quote to live by:


1. Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do? (what is your backstory/your business)

I am just a woman who decided to go for it. I heard many times that the key to success is to start before you are ready. I never really followed that advise until I had a strong ‘Why’. My biggest ‘Why’ is my daughter/my family. I was part of the corporate world for 13 years with a successful banking career. I specialized in retail banking along with real estate loan issuance prior to starting the entrepreneurship journey.

At that time, I was exchanging time for money, it was good, but deep inside I knew there was something better and bigger that I could do with my time and my knowledge. The desire to create freedom, to do what I wanted, with whom I wanted and when I wanted took over. With 100% support of my loving husband Carlos and our awesome coaches, ‘LA Property Partners’, was born. I have been in real estate since my early twenties. I was helping people in different ways in the banking industry but my desire to do better and bigger things was greater than myself. I have always been a woman who goes for what she wants. My stubbornness, along with our (my husband’s and my) determination, persistence, grit, patience and sweat has lead us to create an awesome and profitable real estate investing company that we feel very proud of.

Our mission is to beautify as many neighborhoods as we can, to create profitable partnerships with our investors and to create jobs so that we can be an asset within the economy. Our goal is to inspire and motivate people to take action and to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.

Carlos and Sabrina Franco - Living Without Limits

Carlos and Sabrina Franco - Living Without Limits

2. What are three business & life lessons you have learned throughout your journey?

Entrepreneurship is an awesome journey. Some lessons I have learned are:

  • Being an entrepreneur is lifestyle. At the beginning, it is a lonely process. You have to understand that you can not and will not be able to do it alone. A mentor or coach is 100% necessary if you want to succeed. Invest in yourself, and on the skill sets you need to develop in order to be successful. Make sure to protect and feed your mindset because it is key when the difficult times come.

    A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself. He/she helps bring them out of you. He/she will help you rise to the top and, if necessary, will be willing to let you stand on his/her shoulders to get you there. Our business coach JT Foxx and our education with Legacy were key to our success early in our real estate investing career and still are.

  • Be willing to make a lot of sacrifices. Become the hardest working person you know. Wake up early and go to sleep late if necessary. Don’t do tomorrow what needs to be done today. Work ethic will take you further than you think. Take pride in your work. There is always someone watching. Don’t ever take the short cut! In our industry, people always complain of three things. 1) Finding the money, 2) Finding the deals 3) Finding labor or a quality construction crew.

    At this point in our company, none of these are major setbacks because we have build solid relationships. Things don’t become easy, just as strike of good luck. The groundwork has been done. We now have awesome systems in place that allow us to give more back to the community and to our investors. Know that life doesn’t owe you anything, if you want something, you have to work very hard and smart for it!

  • Last but not least, It doesn’t matter what business you are in. You are in the people business. Become someone of value. Ask yourself, how can I add value to that person’s life? How can I help you? Instead of asking what is in it for me? Have an abundance mentality. Don’t go into a sale thinking how much money will I make? Instead think how can I make my product or service better? I believe the subconscious mind is a lot more intelligent than the conscious mind. I think people have the six sense, or that gut feeling which says if they would like to do business with you or not.

    People will not invest in your product or service if they don’t like you. It doesn’t matter how good it is. So be sure to be honest and always come from a place of giving and not taking. It is interesting how things work out when you are transparent and do what you say you will do. After all your word is the only thing you have and your reputation depends on it.

    The sooner you realize that you are here to be of service, the easier life and business will become. The more people you can help, the more you will help yourself. Always stay humble and be grateful to those who help you on the way up.

Sabrina Franco - Building Partnerships

Sabrina Franco - Building Partnerships

3. What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

My daughter, and a strong desire of becoming a person of value are the two driving forces that make me wake up every day with purpose and intent. It makes me show up even if I’m tired. It makes me determined to never give up, even when the times are hard. I have become the woman who believes that anything is possible and I am willing to work for it. I know that old ways won’t open new doors. When your WHY is bigger than you, such as LOVE and PURPOSE, then you stay focused, you become creative, work very hard, stay positive, and at the end of the day, I allow myself to love fully, unconditionally and decide to enjoy the little things that truly matter to me.

Being present in our daughter’s life is key to my happiness. Teaching her the right values, motivating and inspiring her to be the best version of herself and to follow her heart is priceless. To all the entrepreneur ladies out there. I just want to tell you that anything that you put your mind, soul and body into out there is possible. It is possible to run a successful business, to be a wife, mother and anything else you want to be , but first you have to be willing to put in the work and to pay the price of success. Balance, in the beginning is almost impossible, but with time and the right systems in place, it is possible to live without limits.

4. How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What makes you unique?

Our goal at LA property Partners is simple. We want to create jobs in the communities we invest in, we enjoy beautifying neighborhoods and we love creating passive income for our investors. In our company we create partnerships and long lasting relationships. We are a team. We aspire to uplift people and to add value in people’s lives. For us coming together is the beginning of building solid, profitable relationships.

What makes us unique is that we have many insider relationships with banks and investors which allows us to have access to the great deals first. Our Philosophy is simple. If the deals are not below market, we simply don’t buy them. We know that through history there have been more millionaires created through real estate than any other business.

At LA Property Partners, we invest with integrity and always treat our partner’s money more conservatively than our own. In summation, I can only say what Mr. George Ross told me “Real Estate is always a great idea if done right”. Start now and give yourself a chance to LIVE WITHOUT LIMITS.



