April Ritz

Helping Entrepreneurs create the business of their dreams

April Ritz

April Ritz


Name & Surname:  April Ritz

Strengths: New Business Development, E-Commerce, Web Design and Determination

Country: United States

Industry: E-Commerce Web Design

Favorite quote: “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” - Debbi Fields

  • Please give us a bit of background on yourself

April Ritz is an international and sought-after web designer and e-commerce business coach, dedicated to creating financial freedom to others by building startup businesses from scratch and then teaching how to make them successful. Specializing in drop shipping, Etsy and handmade products, April also takes your existing business and helps you make it more profitable. Her signature Savvy Success Method was developed after years of real-life personal experience and implementation in her own e-commerce businesses. It is time to have the business of your dreams!

  • What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?

I was named one of the top 500 entrepreneurs of 2020 by Brainz Magazine. This list included some incredibly amazing entrepreneurs such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Jay Shetty and Mel Robbins and I am so honored to be sharing that spotlight with them. 

  • What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?

Transparency, Passion and Integrity. 

  • What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?  

I would say the hardest thing is not having someone to bounce ideas off of or to celebrate the wins with. In the corporate world you have co-workers to do things like that with and when you’re an entrepreneur you lose all of that. It is also extremely hard to turn it off and stop working at the end of the day. Because we are working from home, there is no change in environment or distinct starting and stopping times so it creates a feeling that we should always be working.

  • How do you stand out in this digital world?

I built my business around my real-life experience and everything I do reflects that. There is so much conflicting information out there and that makes it really hard for people to really understand what they need to be doing to become successful. I believe that it is really important to connect and share my expertise with authenticity and transparency and that is what makes me stand out. 

  • What was one of the biggest mistakes that you have made throughout your journey and what lesson did you learn from it? 

Thinking that I can do it all alone. It’s just not possible for one single person to do everything without burning out really quick. I’ve learned that it is ok to not be good at all the things and to get help where help is needed. 

  • What is your key to success?

Dedication and the understanding that nothing will always go as planned. Pivoting or shifting your business as needed is an essential part of being successful in business. Being able see when, why and how that is needed, and then implementing that shift without hesitation is the key that will move you forward instead of holding you back.

  • What does success mean to you?

Success to me is having that work life balance that creates happiness and fulfilment in all areas of life. Being able to have the freedom and flexibility to be present for your family, kids and home life without pushing your business goals aside. 



April Ritz

April Ritz


Website: www.thesavvyassociates.com

Email address: april@thesavvyassociates.com

Facebook page:  www.facebook.com/thesavvyassociates