Shravanthi Reddy

Helping startups drive growth through Product Marketing strategies.

Shravanthi Reddy

Shravanthi Reddy


Name & Surname: Shravanthi Reddy

Strengths: Go-to-market strategies, Marketing, Content development

Country: USA

Industry: Product Marketing and Strategy

Favorite quote: A journey of thousand miles begins with one step.

Please give us a bit of background on yourself

I am the CEO/Founder of Smarketic, providing Product Marketing services for Tech startups. After working in the tech industry for 16 years, initially as a technology manager and for the past 8 years as a Product Marketer, I decided to help my Entrepreneur husband with marketing activities. He was just launching his new fintech startup, TERA, and needed help with executing go to market strategies for his new business. While I was helping his startup team with marketing strategies, I realized that I could be extending this expertise and experience to help other tech startups. And hence I decided to take a break from my corporate career during COVID and launch my own business. I landed up creating Smarketic - to help struggling tech startups and small businesses with growth strategies, marketing activities, and content.

What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?

Throughout my Product Marketing career, I have been extremely fortunate to work with some incredible organizations and teams. I launched more than 7 strategic products in my career and produced incredible results. I am proud of the accomplishments I have had throughout my career. My marketing career allowed me to travel the world and participate in key business conferences as a speaker or a key participant. I have been featured as a “thought leader” for many websites like Dzone, Tech target, API friends, Gartner etc. I am proud to take that expertise I gained through working with global sales and marketing teams and helping newly formed tech startups with marketing advice. Within a month of launching Smarketic, we helped 2 tech startups, one of them just launched an exciting new product.

What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?

Hard work, honesty, and producing high-quality results.

 What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

Self-doubt is a killer. Every now and then there is that voice inside you that reminds you of the hardships ahead. No matter how talented and awesome you are there is evidence that indicates that if you're a female, you need that little extra something to break through the traditional glass ceiling. When you walk into a new project or pitch your plan to investors, you need a lot confidence and persistence in showing who you really are and influence the folks in the room that no one can get the job done better than you.

 What is your key to success?

Positivity, discipline, and maintaining an easy-going attitude. I try to maintain a positive outlook towards life no matter what. Often discipline is seen as a negative way of making us do something that puts us out of our comfort zone, but I think you need that discipline to keep yourself moving towards the life you want to live during those times that don’t seem to be producing immediate results.

What does success mean to you?

Success to me means doing what you are passionate about at the same time have the flexibility and freedom to enjoy the important things in your life, like your kids and your family. Success is being able to maintain a healthy balance in your life and creating a life worth living.

 How do you balance motherhood, personal life, and career?

I have two beautiful kids who are growing up very quickly. Working from home has only been a blessing to me as I always had quality time to pay attention to their needs. I strongly believe in being in that moment. We all wear different hats and multitask daily. When I am with my kids, I give them complete attention as their Mom, when I am with my best friends, I have utmost fun like a kid and when I am working I have my professional hat on and complete focus on the projects I am working on.

If you feel overwhelmed about anything, just take a break, and breathe it out. Nothing is worth more than your peace of mind and happiness.

 What is your advice to other female entrepreneurs who would like to embark on a similar journey?

Believe in yourself ladies. Do not be afraid of taking risks as failure and success are part of the journey and not the destination. Work hard and have fun too.

Shravanthi Reddy

Shravanthi Reddy



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