Cassady Cayne

I believe kindness and empathy always pays off

Cassady Cayne - Bestselling Inspirational Author and transformational energy expert

Cassady Cayne - Bestselling Inspirational Author and transformational energy expert


Name & Surname: Cassady Cayne

Strengths: Creative, deep thinker, spiritually connected - higher perspectives

Country: USA

Industry: Inspirational author, transformational energy expert

Favorite quote: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there." - Rumi

Who is Cassady Cayne?

Cassady Cayne is a bestselling spiritual author, soul-preneur, and energy transformation expert, creator of Twin Flames 11:11. With an academic background in psychology and history, Cassady's sudden spiritual awakening unexpectedly connected her with the love and support of the universe and gradually took her from complete obscurity to assisting people all over the world in healing and uplifting their journey. In just a few short years, Cassady’s work has gone on to reach millions of readers worldwide, with over 3 million YouTube views and close to half a million followers across social media. Sharing channeled writing, guidance, and healing sessions, Cassady’s work focus on empowering people to unlock their purpose, connect with their intuition and live their highest path.

What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?

Publishing my first book "The Universe Speaks, Are You Listening?" on Hay House/Random House internationally was a real dream come true, especially as they reached out to me asking to publish my writing. It was also really special to reach over 1 million views on a video I uploaded to YouTube, just a few years after I started doing this work, and being able to move to the USA to run my business from here was a major benchmark for me.

What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?

1) Authenticity. If you're not being authentic, your work will deplete you rather than strengthen you. You have to be true to yourself and your genuine purpose because if you're trying to convince people or interact on a surface level, they won't connect in the long run, and you will end up feeling empty no matter how well it's going on the outside. You have to be aligned with your soul's truth.

2) I always focus on what's to the highest good. I think of my audience as if I was talking to a dear friend or another version of myself - everything has to be helpful and positive, or as I call it "high vibrational". I always make sure the information and resources I bring to people are actually serving them - even if I have to burst pleasant myths that would hurt them long term. If you help people, if you contribute to their lives being better in some way, they'll stay with you for years. Trust is not easy to gain in such a busy online world, but if you come out from a genuine point of wanting to bring positivity to people, I think they can sense that.

3) It's about longevity. I've been very conscious not to do the "churn and burn" method of online content and services that often happens in the spiritual segment. If you don't give people quality, they won't come back. If you give something that creates tangible results for them, on the other hand, they will trust you and not just be happy with their experience but they'll tell their friends and family too. I believe kindness and empathy always pay off.

What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

Completing all my projects! I have a lot of inspirations and ideas for services, projects, sessions, and things that I'm really excited about doing, and it can be challenging to follow through with all the practical work and organizing to get them completed - it usually takes longer than I'd like. But I think that's a strength. I'd rather have "too many" ideas than not enough!

How do you stand out in this digital world?

I've come to realize that authenticity and genuinely caring about my readers are rarer than I would have assumed. There's a lot of confusion out there on the internet and I've been told I have a calm and resonant presence that people enjoy interacting with. They feel seen and understood, and see that there are solutions no matter what challenges they're experiencing - and I think that's important.

What was one of the biggest mistakes that you have made throughout your journey and what lesson did you learn from it?

To begin with, I was a bit worried about being front and center with my photo on my websites. I didn't feel comfortable being the focus. But I realized that it's all about trust, and if people can't see you it's harder to build that bond. 

Another mistake I made was to get stressed out about people competing with me and trying to tear me down. I realized quickly that it's a one way street to negativity to even be aware of that. I deliberately avoid paying attention to the competition now because I find it can pull you into a mindset where you're dragged into reactiveness, not being true to your message and purpose. So I work with my inspiration and guided projects instead of looking at what others are doing.

What is your key to success?

Having fun with work! My spiritual connection allows me a different work method than most people - and different than I used to have before my awakening. It means I have a dialogue with inspiration and guidance, and it brings a flow of light and enthusiasm into my work and projects. It means I'm never short on ideas or insights. And it's a lot of fun!

Part of that is, I do regular work on keeping my energy clear and high vibrational. It's the key to my work and it's how my life was transformed in such a short space of time, and how I'm able to do what I do.

What does success mean to you?

Success to me means above all to be happy and feel abundant with what you do. And that's different for every person. For me, success is a lot about enjoying my creativity and sharing my light and enthusiasm! And I love to hear about how people's lives have been positively impacted. In that sense, I feel very successful! To hear from people every week who tell me how happy they are they found me, my articles, or my book online.

Cassady Cayne - Bestselling Inspirational Author and transformational energy expert

Cassady Cayne - Bestselling Inspirational Author and transformational energy expert



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