Dr. Rae Kay

Holistic Doctor Giving Back To Her Community

Dr. Rae Kay

Dr. Rae Kay


Name & Surname: Dr. Rae Kay 

Strengths: networkI got and working with others 

Country: US

Industry: Healthcare 

Favorite quote: Let your food be your medicine

Website: www.cookiesplacecarehome.org

Email address: RaeRaekay@icloud.com

Please give us a bit of background on yourself?

I am a holistic wellness specialist and  I run a clinic focused on women’s health, I also a non-profit care home for low-income cancer patients and I am the principal owner of a real estate agency. I was born in raised in Houston, Texas and I’m a mom and wife, my journey to help others has been fueled by me wanting to build and create a healthy and whole version of myself.

What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?

I have opened a clinic, opened a non-profit, been successful with keeping them open 

What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?

Put patient care first, teach my patients to better care for themselves, treat others with the utmost respect and care in all aspects of life

What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

Budgeting and preparing for the what if’s this pandemic has quickly made me adjust but it’s a challenge for sure

What was one of the biggest mistakes that you have made throughout your journey and what lesson did you learn from it?

Didn’t always feel comfortable just going out there and trying - fear of what others think held me back

Dr Ray Kay

Dr Ray Kay


Website: www.cookiesplacecarehome.org

Email address: RaeRaekay@icloud.com