Iresha Tschunke

Becoming wealthy should be every woman's priority

Iresha Tschunke

Iresha Tschunke


Name & Surname - Iresha Tschunke

Strengths - Unwavering determination, Never giving up, kindness, being open-minded, sensitive but strong, hard-working, understanding

Country - Germany

Industry - Wealth & Money Mindset coaching for entrepreneurs

Favourite quote - "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" - Max Planck, Quantum physicist (1858-1947)

Website -


1. Please give us a bit of background on yourself:

I am a wealth and money mindset expert for female entrepreneurs, basically, I turn entrepreneurs into being wealthy by doing what they love.

I am one of those people who are good at many different things, and it takes a while to discover who you really are and what you really want to be in this universe, in this lifetime. As a kid, I was good at so many things. Painting, mathematics, science, music. And when I say good, it was really good. The downside is, your family, friends, and the whole society expects so much from you because you are the "Good kid" at the school and that is an enormous pressure which most of the time ends you up with unsuccess. Because in the end, you don't know which way to go. I watched my classmates succeed going in one direction which they always wanted to go, while I being confused and lost trying so many things at once. So long story short, I had studied biology, physics, and chemistry for my advanced levels and got selected to the university to study science, but at the same time, I was at a quite good level at piano music which I was studying in extension with a reputed English music school from the age six. So, having the university entrance paper in my hand to study science, I chose to continue music, creating the next world war in my family. Somehow it went well, and I became a university lecturer when I was 21.

It was all perfect, but I knew that there was something missing. I didn't feel like myself.

I always believed that I am born to this world to make a difference. I was never ready to settle for less. I always had this drive to go higher and higher. One fun fact about me is, that as a child, as a teenager and even after that, I was sort of living in a self-created world, the world that I see as my future. I was sort of changing between these two realities all the time. I remember as a child, I was pretending like I am a very wealthy boss who lives in her big mansion, and I was spending my day as I spend an ideal day there in the mansion life.

So what I am trying to say is, that I never was ready to settle where I was. I was basically living in my big dream future, in my mind. I always looked and believed in my self as someone who is meant to go bigger, even that seemed so far away at that time. And I knew that I am capable of anything.

So long story short, I realized that being a piano lecturer is not what I am really meant to be. That is not why I am sent to this earth. I am sent here to do even bigger things. So I took some time to discover what I am really good at, and what I was always meant to be. This is something you can't find out in a crack, it took me almost one and a half years to discover this. You have to see what were the signs from your childhood, what are the signs from your current life, and what are the signs from other people towards you. As an example, for what do people usually praise you, attracted to you, not in a standard way, but in an exceptional way for the help or support, you have been to them. You also need to find that one area where you never run out of enthusiasm, where you can talk every day all day and still there are things to talk about. Find that area, and become an expert. Do every possible way to be qualified enough, to be experienced enough that you can bring life-changing results to others. Most of the time, when you are a natural at it, it comes easily. And when you combine all these, there you find your true journey, the real path that is laid for you, and the path that brings you to success.

Since then, I have never looked back, and today I am helping so many female entrepreneurs around the world, to go to the next level, to become wealthy by doing what they love, to create a legend and to live their absolute dream lifestyles.

2. What are some of your biggest achievements throughout your journey?

There are so many achievements throughout my journey that I would like to call as the "biggest", although it is technically impossible. But if you ask one achievement that gave me heart palpitations that I still remember even today, it is the moment I got my very first client. It was very special to me, because no matter how beautiful websites we build, no matter how amazing operations we have in our businesses, no matter how marvelous of a service I can do, without anyone to buy from me, there is no business. So the moment that my very first client's booking came through, that was the turning point of my life. This all started from there. And it was very special to me because that woman kept her trust in me. She believed in me, in my massage, and in my concept (wealth identity creation - although it was quite brand new by that time) and she put her future on my hands. That was the best moment of my business and that is one of the best feelings one can ever have as an entrepreneur. That was also a sign that I am in the right path, and the universe supports me, aligned with me, and that I can change lives. And that was my first earning in this business, and the first step into the journey of creating my long dreamt, mentally lived dream lifestyle, the journey to complete being my true self, the journey to create my legend to the world. I remember I drank champagne with my husband, he prepared a special breakfast for me, and we celebrated it.

3. What are 3 business principles that are of core value to you?

  •  Help people, earn money. The more people you help, the more money you earn.

  •  We believe in everyone's dreams, even when they seem impossible.

  • Accountability - We are there, anytime, every time.

4. What is the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?

I think the hardest part of being an entrepreneur is facing continuous judgments from society, family, and people around you. A person who steps into entrepreneurship is someone who is so passionate about helping people, solving problems by using their expertise, and about that amazing future, they are creating for themselves. Building and running a business is a lot of work. It takes a massive amount of energy. Sometimes you need to give 500% of your focus, at least at the beginning until you find your own way of doing business. So a person who decides to go through this big process usually doesn't want to stop in the middle, she wants to go higher and higher at her best.

But as we know, the majority of the society are not the entrepreneurs, they are mostly working for a monthly salary and their lives and habits are built around it. Nothing wrong with it, but when one radically differs from this usual system and when one starts climbing up to the zones that no one ever around you has been before, then come all the judgments, criticizing and all the attitudes that you don't want to hear.

It is a human thing to have opinions, but it is another thing to throw those opinions on someone else. So what I found difficult, especially at the beginning is facing these false judgments and the non-supportive comments from people I know.

It is almost a battle to announce that you are no longer going to work your career that you were doing all those years (or months) and that you are going to start a business. A business where no one knows if you are going to succeed or not. Lots of unsolicited advice, so many negative comments, so many questions thrown at you, can keep you up at nights, day after day. There are so many people who try to pull you back to what you were before, pull you back to where you are trying your best to leave, and there are people to remind you how less you have done, how many failed attempts you have had, and to laugh at your big dreams because they are just too big.

And once you have reached to some level, then there are people who question your journey. Your drive and your will to go bigger and higher will make some others uncomfortable. And for that, you can get judged, and be told that you are money-obsessed, that you are always talking about expanding even more and that is a bad thing. And this can happen at every level of your success, no matter where you are. 

But at the same time, there are people who really shift you up, who see your good work, who see your value and who see what a special soul you are to this world. So what's important here is to focus on the positives. You need to always look at the amazing shifts you bring to others’ lives, the happy smiles you bring to their faces, and all the good work you do toward the world. You need to understand that you are a daughter of the universe, sent here to create something special, and in return to create abundant life.

On the other hand, what I find very difficult is, it is one thing if you hear criticizing from strangers. But when you hear it from the people you know, that can hit you hard. There are friends who left me as I started getting successful. There are friends who didn't want to be friends with me anymore because I was not joining the complaining club. You need to have a developed and trained mind to be neutral and to observe the situation without getting upset. Indeed that will take some time, but that is something you need to develop if you want to reach success. You need to focus on the people who support you, who love you, and who will stay with you in your journey, no matter what.

5. How do you stand out in this digital world?

 I have created a unique story, a unique concept that I use to change the lives of so many female entrepreneurs. There are quite a number of wealth coaches, money mindset coaches, manifesting coaches, and business coaches, and some of them are really good which I find amazing. It is so good to know that there are so many of these beautiful people who really make a difference in the world. 

My system is a very different and unique one, that is something you cannot get from anywhere else. I work on creating a wealthy identity, a system that works on every level. I believe real wealth and success are made on different elements. To create a sustainable shift, one needs to shift their whole world to the next level. Just working on money, mindset, business, or manifestation by putting them into different boxes only brings you temporary results.

This is when you go to motivational seminars, do all the manifesting work, do meditation and affirmation but you get no real result. This is also what happens when you work on your website, creating lots of landing pages, do marketing, operations, and you have been doing it years but you are not wealthy.

I have a system that works parallelly at your mindset, your money, your business, your premium brand, your first-class social life, your image that stands out in your industry, your premium offer and much more. It takes a lot of inner and outer work to cultivate a wealthy identity, and when you have that, you have it all. You don't have to waste money on doing different courses anymore. I believe, to be a really wealthy and to stay wealthy, you need to create this whole new personality, a whole new way of doing business,  and a whole new way of living life. It is a complete transformation. No matter how much money you make, if you have a poor identity, you are not going to stay wealthy.

So for this concept, I stand out in the digital world. And my brand is very unique, it speaks exactly for what I represent. And again, this concept is very special, and it may not for everyone. There are people who adore us, and there are people who don't align with us. And that is fine. There are people who are ready to learn and to end up at the top being successful and wealthy, and there are people who blaspheme the riches and keep complaining about the world, yet do nothing about it. I work with female entrepreneurs who are ready to go to the next level, who know that they are meant to go bigger, who are ready to start creating their absolute dream lives, no matter what industry they are in. And when these people do what it takes to enter this journey, we do whatever it takes to make sure that they succeed.

6. What was one of the biggest mistakes that you have made throughout your journey and what lesson did you learn from it?

 The biggest mistake I have ever done in this journey is thinking that I can do it all alone by myself. This is a big mistake which is very easy to fall into, especially at the beginning. You think you can do everything alone, and you end up working all the time, with no results, wondering how do the others do it. When I started, I tried to do every single thing alone. The worst case is I didn't know what I don't know. It is quite hard to escape when you are trapped in that loop. But I am lucky that I recognized it soon enough, precisely in few months after the start, and from there, I have invested in hiring so many coaches, mentors, technical help, business help, and help in many other tasks. 

One thing that I learned from this is, there is always more to learn. The moment you think that you know it all is the moment your progress stops. From the day I made my first investment, I have invested a huge amount of money on different mentors, coaches and even in business programs and I have to say, today I earn so many times more as the amount that I invested on them, and investing on others to learn and build is one of the best decisions of my life. If I hadn't made that decision, I wouldn't be here today.

One tip: when you feel like you know everything, or when you know for sure that you know everything possible that you need to know at your level, start looking for help in the next level. Whenever I feel that I have comprehended everything I need to know, then I start looking for things at the next level, the level that I don't know yet. And I look for someone who can bring me there, show me how to reach there. And this is something you need to invest on, and something that you shouldn't be stingy about. In business, there is always a new level to go. Even when you think that you have reached your absolute top, there is still a new level to go. And your learning continues.

7. What is your key to success?

The key to my success can be described just in three things.

a. Dream big, no matter how impossible it seems at the moment, no matter how different your dreams are than the others and no matter how expensive they seem.
b. Believe in your self, belief in that bright future,  believe that you are sent to this earth to change lives, believe in that dream you were dreaming as a child, believe that you can have it all.
c. NEVER EVER GIVE UP. Storms may come up, things might not turn as you want, the world will suddenly go through a pandemic, people might laugh at you, but never ever let anything stop you from achieving your goals.

8. What does success mean to you?

 For me success means feeling empowered, knowing that you have the power to impact millions of people and change their lives for good, and knowing that you don't have to do anything anymore, but you choose to.

9. How do you manage work-life balance?

I personally think there is nothing called work life, and personal life. Well, your business is a part of you. Yes, you can delegate so many things, you can hire people to work for you, but still, it is a big part of yourself. I pay great attention to my business. And I also pay great attention to other things in life. So it all about being organized and having a good understanding. My husband is very supportive, and if I had to take care of something in the middle of Sunday afternoon when we have planned something else to do together, there is no big deal. He understands it. And I do the same for him about his work. The plan is not to work on weekends, but if I have to in some cases, I have no problem. Because business is important.

10. Who are your greatest strengths in your journey?

My husband has been an amazing support to me especially at the beginning where there was no guarantee that I succeed. (except my word) And he helped me to create that space and time for me to go all-in building a business. Basically he made it possible for me to start a business without sinking myself in chaos. He is in a completely different field and has very different ideas about many things than me, but still being a big part of my journey and my dream and supporting me for who I am and my cause. I think that is what every one of us should have, the understanding, love and respect. When you have those three, you can win the world. And the other person is, my mother, she is a torch of energy. We all need some pep talk from time to time, no matter where we are in our lives. There are times we all need that extra push. And when I need it, all I have to do is to call my mother. She has the magic to turn a mule to a unicorn.

Let's talk about your newest program.

Yes, my newest program is called "Money Mindset Elite"    and that is a special program designed for entrepreneurs around the world to go to the next level of life and business. This is a fourteen-week program, but usually, most of my clients take about  20 weeks to finish it. It is a VIP 1:1 coaching program, where each client gets a tailored system depending on their goals.

 So in here, we work on many different elements such as your premium business, your millionaire mindset, your money, your first-class social life, and much more. It is really a very exciting and fun-filled program, and it is really worth having a look. Most of my clients go positively berserk even after the first week of the program. This is something you have never seen anywhere else, and something you will never find anywhere else. I genuinely think that every entrepreneur should participate in this because I know what it can do, what sort of a result it brings to you. It is definitely worth giving a shot.

I believe that The world needs a lot more wealthy women, happy women, and successful women. Be the woman the world needs.



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