Posts in Read
Network Your Way to Millions

Networking is a great way to make business connections, which can open many doors of opportunity to grow your business and make money. Jeremy K. Streeter has provided us with his own experiences when it comes to networking. These simple steps have worked for him and they can work for you too.

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Social Media 101

We know social media is the way forward in terms of building relationships and connecting with others. But how does it really work? You set up your social media account and now what? In this article, Christina McMasters gives us the low down on Social Media 101.

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Connect to your success: Connect your self (and disconnect from work)

It is so easy to get lost in a world that is striving for perfection. We want to be great moms, business owners, employees, wives, girlfriends, daughters and friends. We want success for ourselves and for the people in our lives, but how often do we find balancing all these tasks to be daunting and extremely overwhelming? In this article, Daniella Princi will be touching on how to fill your own cup before trying to fill up someone else's.

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Let go of fear and finally start your first business

Have you ever had a dream job? A career that you know without a doubt is your calling. A career that will keep you motivated, excited and happy but you just cant do it because of fear? Well we are here to tell you that if you can dream it, you can do it! In this article, we are talking about letting go of fear and taking the plunge in starting your own company. 

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5 Must Have Apps for Any Business

If you are reading this, it means that you know how hard it can get to properly conduct business and keep ahead of duties and responsibilities. The great thing is that it doesn’t have to stay that way. With the world constantly improving and growing, so is the technology that we are using. In this article, we are giving you 5 tried and tested Apps that you must have for any business.

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5 Steps to starting a profitable business

In this world, some people are destined to be entrepreneurs. The thought of creating one’s own future and being in control of the outcome drives a hunger within for success. For other people, there are many unknowns which makes taking the plunge a very daunting experience and that often leads to procrastination or giving up. In this article, Michele Malo, provides us with 5 tips on starting a profitable business.

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4 DIY tips for performing SEO on your new website

We live in a world where information is accessible at the click of a button. The internet provides us with the potential to reach thousands, possibly millions of people around the world. Now imagine  that your business was exposed to all those people. People and businesses that you never comprehended reaching, are now all quite a possibility. How would that change the game for your business? In this article, we will give you 4 DIY tips that you can do in order to perform your SEO. 

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3 Reasons why you can’t afford to not be on social media

In today's society, business has emerged to the online world. One of the biggest game changers for companies has been the introduction to social media. While the majority are embracing this new and exciting era that we find ourselves in, there is of course the very few that are unaware of the benefits that social media has to offer. We have put together 3 reasons why you can't afford to not be on social media.

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13 Ways on how you can increase your Instagram following in 2018

Instagram has taken the world by storm and is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world.  They recently introduced IGTV whereby users can load longer videos and share with their audience.  We have listed 13 ways on how you can grow you Instagram page in 2018

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The Good, The Bad & The Ugly of different E-Commerce platforms

Ah yes the dream of going to bed and waking up in the morning and there is more money in your bank account. You have set up your online store and have taken the same strategy you have always used and simply put it all online. How clever you are. Why isn't everyone else doing the same as you, wait thank goodness they aren't or it must be too difficult for them. Now you have built it and surely You  be able to retire in the next 6 months well realistically make it a year.

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5 Tips when choosing a business partner

Having a business partner can be so rewarding for you and the company, with beneficial advantages for both parties but the crucial part is choosing the right partner. I, myself have several highly influential, well-known business partners across the world and I am very lucky enough to have great relationships with all of them.  I am very fortunate to have gained an amazing business partner just last week in one of my companies in South Africa that will see an increase in our margins by 220% - Now that is a great partnership, don’t you think

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What Makes A Great Leader

When it comes to leadership, we follow leaders not because we have to but because we want to. All great leaders have leadership qualities in common and today I would like to share those qualities with you.

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ReadErna Basson